For almost a month, between wind & rain storms, I’ve been working outside whenever possible, preparing flower beds and repairing my little bit of lawn. Spring inspires in me a savoring of the natural world as plants come back to life from their winter ‘sleep.’ Stepping carefully through flowerbeds, pulling weeds and transplanting the less fortunate drifters, I’m struck with the sense that everything around me is reviving from a mysterious dormancy. While we can understand it in scientific terms, the revival of the plant world each Spring still inspires awe and wonder. Scientific understanding does not do away with mystery; it deepens our appreciation of the mystery of all that is. Walking in natural places – along field-side paths and through the woods – fills my meditation with images of soil, buds and new leaves, early flowers – crocuses, daffodils and tulips – and the scents of Spring – Black Cherry and now Forsythia. Each Spring, I become enraptured with New Life!