Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Fires of Yule – An Imaginative Path Through the Winter Solstice Season (18 November 2023)

[An Ecumenical Pagan Approach]

This old book of mine is narrated by three Neo-Pagan practitioners living together in an old Victorian house in the fictional town of Wickersfeld PA.  As the ‘authors’ of the book, they present the reader with a calendar through which to observe and participate in the Winter Solstice Season, in all of its mystery and magical possibilities, often relating their own experiences and practices in the process.  The calendar draws upon Pagan symbolism, myth and practices as re-envisioned by these characters for a late 20th century poetic, spiritual and mystical journey.

The “Thirteen Dayes of Yule” – 13 to 25 December – are at the heart of this imaginative calendar.  Each day is identified with a particular evergreen, which functions as a ‘taproot’ for the lore, symbols and practices associated with that day.

The ‘authors’ are practitioners in what I call “The Keltelven Traditions;” a fictional Paganism; the primary thrust of which is the seeking of Wisdom.  Their Old Ones say, “Seek wisdom, and accept it wherever you find it.”  As such the three ‘authors’ of this calendar are open to traditions outside their own.  While remaining true to their Pagan roots, they have an ecumenical relationship with all religions and philosophies that promote a positive life and help sustain it, not just for themselves, but for everyone.

This ideal is manifest in the book in various ways, in particular in there being two meditations at the end of each of the thirteen days: (1) a Tuathan Meditation–for those Pagans following the Olde Wayes, especially traditions with Faery and Celtic resonances – and (2) a Culdee Meditation -- for those Pagans who have found wisdom in the Christ-mythos and who are journeying to the Nativity as their spiritual and poetic destination.  While not Christians, the ‘authors’ believe that there is wisdom in the Christ-mythos, just as there is in the Pagan-mythos surrounding the birth of other gods and heroes at Winter Solstice.  They believe that being open to the wisdom of different mythic – as well as religious and philosophical -- traditions is an important part of one’s journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


If you are interested in this calendar and the meditations, adventures and journeys, imaginative and spiritual, that it may inspire, it is available at these online stores:


The Fires of Yule (2013)—

 Available from:

The Publisher:

From Amazon:

The Fires of Yule: A Keltelven Guide for Celebrating the Winter Solstice: Whitsel, Montague: 9781481707756: AmazonSmile: Books

From Barnes & Noble: