Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Wine of Mabon the Cellarer (30 December 2018)

[A Poetic Narrative Frolick on the 9th Day of the New Solar Year!][1]

Last night I dreamed a dream of rabbits and the Master of Poets; four rabbits in a hutch at the house of Mabon![2]  This hutch was located just outside a cellar entryway, which I intuited was the Dark Hunter’s Wine Cellar!
Mabon our Cellarer had left the keys to his ever-full wine-racks in the keeping of his four furry guards!  _And I knew this was “The Hutch of Mystery’s Cellarer!”  I spoke to them and they seemed to hear; their large ears standing up erect, making these luck-besotted beings seem like strange pookahs, though in all other respects they were just ordinary jack-rabbits; snow-booted and tan-gray furred.

“I sensed that they were full of Poetry’s New Magick!”

Mabon the Cellarer of my Vocation then came, proffering me— the Wine of Poetic Communion.  I declared, “I am unfit for the offer,” to which he retorted: “Come to my cellar and drink as you please, any time.”  Once more I affirmed myself unfit for the offer, to which he plaintively plied: “Come to my cellar, and my jack-rabbits will boot you up for a good slog-and-sloshing.”
I knew I didn’t understand this, and so I stood there, speechless.  Yet Mabon invited me a third time to partake of the wine he’d stored away in his cellars, saying: “Come, and I will gift you a good sherry to light the fire in your poet’s heart.”
For the third time and last I insisted I was unfit, and so he solemnly said: “I am the Wine Press and the Cellarer of Poetic Mysticism.  Everyone who gets drunk on My Vintage shall know New & Ancient Truths.  Come to my Cellars anytime, therefore Poet, and drink!”

Runed in the hutch of Mystic Life
I came to witch out the Truth,
accepting the keys, rhyming the Riddles
and setting the Jack-Rabbits free!                         1

Mabon the Cellarer of Poetic-Truth
there appeared to me—
stripped of all his mythic togs;
with a toast he called unto me!                              2

I stood upon his threshold
tarrying in the Invitation
—thrice offered—
unfit for the service
into which Mabon my Vintner
had enthralled me!                                                 3

Potent and braying
with the burden of my faults,
I called out for a reprieve_
and got a good Brandy to go!                                4

“Take this liquor, my brother,
for I am the Cellarer of Mystical Vision,
and you are the Uninvited Guest!
Take my liquor and be my sop_
for I have the keys
to that blue ek-static adventure
that is and has ever been
open to all Mused seekers!”                                  5

Taking up the goblet he offered me
I accepted his libation
and felt the liberation
of a good spiritual buzz!                                   6

“Hail, Mabon my Cellarer!
Clear my head
with your ever-hallowed Sherry,
and I will follow you –
stumbling and ever-grape-ful –
round the Wheel we go again;
until you call off the party!”                                    7

Everything was reeling—
the world then turned to Schnapps
and I found myself
     thrice three-days hence_
born-again in his besotted image!
Anem!  [Burp!]                                                      8

All day long,
drinking from the Bottle of Sherry
that Mabon had proffered me,
I came to the Place of Peace;
the Internal Nemeton—
where I am who I am,
and no one else.                                          9

Here, I find my Self, coming
into fluid existence
somewhere just beyond
the limitations
that have held me prisoner
for two cycles running.                                         10

I am free,
and there is a Rune
in every snowflake
that falls
on my tongue this evening!                         11

Mabon speaks_
in wined-up and dined-out metaphors
to my Heart,
which ambles out
to some Crannog of Love,
not waiting to be stopped
by a makeshift mock-up
of the Three Policeman of Yore!                          12

“Yet no one will stop you!
Ramble!  Amble!  Saunter!  Wander!
Savor life and its fullness!”                                  13

“There are Rabbits in the Hutch
          of Wisdom’s Cellar!” I cried.

I saw the rabbits dancing, then –
four jack-rabbits in a hutch
near the dark door
where Mystery was Presencing,
and as I approached the house again
where Mabon appeared to dwell
(ever the immanent
Cellarer of Resourcement)
I received a Balm of Remembrance
and began chanting the magical names
by which the Door may be opened:                        14


It was then I heard_
a Choir of Pagan Angels
at some distant Nativity of the Self,

“Blessed be Mabon the Cellarer,
for he has distilled the perfect Wine;
         unleashing our best imaginings
and causing us Divine Drunkenness!”                     15

And at this hymn my Heart burst
into Flames of Mystic Love,
and I knew that I was ‘Home’ again,
where I have always been;
in the Nemeton of Earthen Poets
              where I have sometimes
forgotten to find myself.                                           16



Here I long-ago planted a root of earthen faith.  “You are fit to enter here,” Mabon said, and I reeled once more!  I saw the door open before me, and knew somehow that I was fit enough, though I feared the wine-dark passage and what it might riddle me, for the Master Cellarer is ever-allusive and deeply paradoxical!
But alas, it was only an old false-self that feared; not the Blue-Woad-Self I am becoming!  The four Jack-Rabbits of Mystic Presence then began to chant an Angelus, and as they did so, I felt a teary and fibrous veil fall from my mind!
                                     _So, soon I began to sing the Angelus, too, the Four Jack-Rabbits harmonizing with me – all of us gone polyphonic! – as I proceeded through the Door!  There I found rack after rack of aged old brews, Burgundy, Sherry, Ales and other delectable beverages of Mystic Delight!  Mabon said:

“Here is your liqueur
of naturalistic mysticism;
have your conversion
and drink it too!
Drink and be Drunken with Me,
and – once in the visioning way;
we two shall go dancing
out across the Heathen Hills
toward Tomorrow’s World—
across the Faery SĂ­dhe of Wonders.”

It was then that – down deep within the Wine Cellar of the god himself; on a rack hidden from the mundane light – I found a bottle with my name on it; engraved beneath the fading label; inscribed in the green glass of the bottle itself!  And I heard Mabon, my host, declare: “Take, and Drink!”
And I did; Anem!  (Burp)


[1] As we are approaching the end of the Yule—Winter Solstice—Christmas Season, on the 9th day of the new solar year and the 5th Day of Christmas, this story – a frolick (a fun, entertaining romp) – represents the desire to discover some new depth or path as we journey and adventure through the Season.  Here we meet a “Master of Poets”  named after the Celtic god Mabon; a hunter—singer—seeker who is guide to many of those who go out on pilgrimages or quests.

[2] Mabon is one of the ‘gods’ born at Winter’ Solstice.  He has become, for me, one of the symbolic personas of the Poet.  He is associated with rabbits as he is a son of the Great Goddess, and they are her ‘avatars,’ in one way of looking at the myths.

[3] There are all names of gods born at the Winter Solstice.  Aengus refers to Aengus Og in the ancient Celtic tradition, a young god of love.  Mabon is likewise the puer eternis; eternally the divine child of winter Solstice.  Bran is a dying and rising god from the Welsh Celtic tradition who symbolizes self-sacrifice and wisdom.  He is likewise usually portrayed as a youth.  Jesus’s birthdate was probably set at or around Winter Solstice, as his followers saw him as the new and ultimate ‘divine child’ and ‘dying and rising god.’

Monday, December 24, 2018

Visitation (24 December; Mid-Night)

[A tale of Nicholas and the Elves]
Over the heath and through the wood,
all wassailed of the glistening snow_
Saint Nicholas came with Reindeer
and a troop of Elves in tow!
Past the WellSpring of the Saints,
he came with Holly & some Bay_
to winnow the wights out of the World,
and with the Spirit’s poor to play!                              1

He slung his sack with some delight
across a horse‑and‑rider fence,
and came approaching toward the house
making madness of mundane sense!
He had a broom of thistle & heather,
and a cap full of pomegranates;
within his sleeves were glowing secrets
from which True Hope originates!                               2

Climbing the chimney, he set about
divining the household’s aura.
He hung about the cold doorposts
with Ivy Wreaths of supernal giving!
The Reindeer were yet invisible,
the Elves were gasping in giggles_
as snow began to uncover the Night,
and the Spirit spread out Her riddles!                        3

Three windows with a candle’s glow
loomed above the empty portico,
alerting visitors to awakening souls;
the Children playing out their roles!
The Reindeer knocked upon the door,
the Elves they climbed the lattice_
Saint Nicholas turned into a mist,
and slipped in through old keyholes!                          4

Around the house the Visitor flew,
with Holly boughs and sweeping Yew_
He took the staircase with abandon_
while seeking out the chosen few!
He found their chambers open wide,
with hearts yet empty from inside;
He left them Pomegranates of Faith,
and Apples for a starry sleigh‑ride!                           5

“Hey, wait! _Nicholas, is that You!?”

One small voice dis‑spells a wraith,
as into deep crevices of the Night
Saint Nicholas and his Elves depart,
putting Reindeer, unseen, to flight!
Off across Fields‑of‑Life they flee,
leaving hoof‑marks in frosted snow_
White tails frisking prayers like Art_
the Moon chasing them with Her glow!

And in their stead a blessing’s found_
Runes of Life in the Fruit of Faith!!                           6
‑ Montague Whitsel

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Vigiling Prayer (22 December 2018)

[A Yew-Night Imagining on the Night of Visitations][1]

I once saw the aura of GOD going
Will‑o’‑the‑Wisping through the forest,
all wintered down.
Sleek with sleet She was flowing freely,
Electricity sparking embers beneath Her feet_
Saint Elmo firing!
Past frosted Sentinels of Oak and Pine_
It was a scripture’s Earthen tine!                                              1

White wizened Sunlight streaming down,
visiting hillsides; sled‑ridden, gleaming,
Footprints in the snow there gave way
       to teetering glints of a Newer Day!
Soft fantastic faces there met me
where She was Playing_
I photographed them between tall drifts;
they were Her Elves, cantoring in shifts!                                   2

Soft, crystal-pure Her skirts went gliding,
snowflakes skittering & colliding –
_I fell down frozen at Her snowy visage!
But She caught me up in a Gemmed Embrace_
torches firing near; Her piercing eyes
Shining upon a Nativity’s verdant Heath!
Past Midnight’s Watch I there remained;
of Vigiling Prayer was I sustained!                                 3

As Night into somber mystic Darkness fled,
I was alighted from my frozen bed_
She, cusping me by my Heart’s own nape_
drew me up to the Mount of Joy_
Grace all-undoing my velvety drape.
And then_
    Invisible, He Roared!
Traversing Paths Owled and Willowed ‘round,
Stomping_ Hoofing_ Hollowing_ Freeing
Christ the Stag came_
Glistened with Her Snow’s Mystic Fire
     in Clearings of True Yuletide Loving—
melting_ singeing_ swooning_ raging! 
He was a vision of Pagan Earth-Power!                                     4

She drew me up at His Immanent Call,
catching up snow in laced silk fringes
of Winter’s Faery Gown!
I remained on ice; Faith’s Ballerina ‑‑
Our souls Carroling Spiral‑Chapel tunes;
anticipating His Advent!
I felt Divine Light from Her smile escape_
Sequining across a Moonlit Nightscape;
_It was a Dream in a Winter’s Canticle!                         5

We danced a jig upon translucent snow,
with the Wisdom-Spirit in the know;
three-becoming-One in Faith’s after-glow.
Across the hills and under solemn dales,
  ‘round the Faery ráths the Spirit sailed_
as into the Cairn of Love’s own trials
Hope delved_
transforming hopelostness and denials!
Solstice Night came and went, and I_
kept vigiling in prayer ‘til dawn’s new light
consummated all that came to pass!                6

_It was thus I saw the aura of God sailing;
         Adventing pure as the Virgin’s snow_
Her Eyes fired of Love’s enrapturing glow!
Heathen rhymes stormed us a Trinity
     out of Friendship’s Beauteous Infinity!
WISDOM SOPHIA, drumming in harmony
with the Yuletide Spirit’s
                              syncopated strumming,
Opened our Hearths;
                            the Stag Christ Comes!!!                       7

Far and away in the luminous dark,
_in a cave near a hostel of renewal,
the Stag our Wisener comes to birth_
once again and ever more
                 at Winter Solstice-tide!
Imbiber of the Spirit’s Love in the Earth;
Unshackling the wasted and the lost
from their bonds_
Here comes the Light of a New Dawn—
surrendering us in our vigiling prayers
to the Illumination of the Divine Child!                          8

T’was a Night of Moonlit Faring_
when GOD was expanding horizons of caring
that – a Mother’s own Winter Brilliance
made All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.                            9

- Montage Whitsel

[1] Yew Night – in the Whittier calendar of the Thirteen Nights and Dayes of Yule, this is the night for imaginative visitation from mythic beings.  In these mystic imaginings we cull together any inspiring symbols, archetypes and tales from the vast lore of renewal, transformation and re-birth in the mythos of the Yule—Winter Solstice—Christmas Season.  This was an imaginative vision I had back in the mid-1990’s, and which I present here in an updated version.