I. Pookah Questing
I asked the White Rabbit:
“Have you seen the Pookah?”
I asked the March Hare:
“Have you seen the Pookah anywhere?”
The March Hare jigged to pitch a dare_
over the Sidhes of time
with vernal pathways to spare!
And he said:
“Here, There and Everywhere!’
The White Rabbit reeled ‘round me_
down the alley; along the railroad tracks –
in circles upon the Roods of Being
and in my Becoming, he said:
“Here, There and Everywhere!”
Invocation of Eostre
Hail Eostre,
Goddess of the wave-currents of Spring;
Lady of the East, of Fields, Wells
and New Equinoxial Life_
Your Pookah visited us last night,
in the light of the Full Moon.
Bless us and make us fruitful
this year as we travel the Wheel.
Guide us into the Paths of Flowering;
cleanse us in New Waters;
empower us in the Flux and Flow
of Being-in-Becoming!
II. Pookah Faring
[“Let’s try this again_” “Oh you do this every year.”]
“Have you seen the Pookah yet?”
I asked the brown rabbit in the wood.
“Has he come by your earthen house,
Chanting up the Green Vernal Blood?
“Have the Faery seen him_
In their ráths or in their hills,
Luminous like a Magister of Olde,
In his dew-covered overalls?”
Invocation of the Pookah
Pookah, Pookah, come now here_
speaking Wisdom’s nonsense in runes
of four and nine lines.
Pookah, Pookah, come now near_
to haunt us into the Vernaltides_
mumming as in the Moon we go!