Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Retreat to Ross Falls (30 April 2019)

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls,
to hearken to the crows
and listen to the whoosh of the waters
along the swift brook above.                                      1

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls,
to bathe in the torrent
falling from on high, down over the slates,
into the shallow pool below.                                      2

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls,
to listen to the crows speaking
in the boughs of Oak, Maple and Sycamore;
deciphering tales of another world.                            3

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls,
to listen for the monks
chanting in the valley below the waters,
‘twixt deluge and river_                                             4

And when I hear their ancient songs,
I will go with them
into imagined holy landscapes,
leaving all of mundanity behind—
if only for a few magical hours!                                 5

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls;
I have taken poetic flight
and they shall never see
the likes of me again,
unless they, too, learn to fly!                          6

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls
for I have heard the music
that resounds from before my own creation;
a music of mulch, trees and power.                            7

And once you have heard
this ancient music,
there is no way to turn back;
Drop your anchors
in the Given as you may—
it is time to sing cosmic songs
and sway!                                                      8

Tell them I have gone to Ross Falls,
and may never come home again—
tell them to sell the house, if they want to;
for I have no more need of such things!        
For I have gone to Ross Falls and found
the future that an earthen wisdom reveals!                9
Nema!   So mote it be!

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