Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lost and Found (25 July 2019)

- Montague Whitsel 
                                   I. The Calling (16.10.06)

I hear You calling_
but I cannot respond;
for I have lost my red-gold phone
and have thus dis-placed the Path
            I used to take to the pool
where Your Word makes ripples
in our mysterious mortality.                                         1

I hear You calling_
            but I am not ready for the Journey
—much less the Dream—
            to begin again.                                                2

I am lost from You now.

Love has distracted me from Love,
and I cannot bear
            to tear and rend
                        the flesh of our hearts—
Crucifixio Redux Agapeo;
            —in any New Crucible
of Transfiguration.                                                       3

You left me alone long before
I ever woke up
            to find myself abandoned_
and now I have no more need
of You.                                                                         4

So be it!

                                   II. Fobbing Off (22.11.06) 
                                       The fob rebounds_
I lose myself in the Lost and Found
of my soul’s empty cache.
Hope drowns
as the line of the fob swings
back and forth
through the plane
of my crossed existence.
Never quite crossing
the point where
the vertical plumb
almost passes through
—but not quite—
and not until I am gone full_tilt
_once again—
into some other flitting distraction!                              5

The point is to be
at the place of intersection
between the horizontal plane
and the vertical plumb-line
of Mystery and transfiguration!                                   6

Yet, I have not been there
for so long
that I cannot remember
the song I used to sing
in the days when I first found Vision
finding me_
swinging to and fro—
from the ever-still Worlding Tree!                               7

                                    III. Almost Abandoned (23.06.07)

I have wandered so far away—
That I don’t know where You are
I have crossed the verdant divide
and found my self;
lost of the scent of You.
I have wandered long and far
on the Path You set my feet upon,
and gone deep into wondrous stories
of the Earth_                                                               8

But sometimes_
I wonder where You are—
and will I ever find You again?
Are You waiting for me evermore
at some far-off oasis-like vista;
beyond the Wilderness Rim?                                     9

I have wandered so far now
that I don’t know where You are
If You call me, will I hear it?
If You send for me_
will the messenger lose his way?
Here I Am, in this Wilderness—                                 10

Awaiting Your Reply.
                        Sincerely Yours;
                        A Wilderness Wanderer

 IV. First Love (30.06.07)

It was for Love that I left You—
_for love.
I left You in the Morning of Eternity_
when the light was new to me
and my soul was freshly won.                                11

I wandered off into this Wilderness
with love.
I abandoned You at noon
to walk_ enchanted as a loon
with the one who had chosen me
at the same time that I chose him.                             12

I have let go of Love
for the love that was given me.
He has come and let me slip free
from the shackles of those beliefs
for which I had grown too wise.
Even still_ I remember You_
for You were my First Love.                                   13

Yet it was for Love that I left You;
_for love.
I heeded the Gift like a summons
to mystical self-completion—
it was Your Gift of Love to me;
was it not?!
It was only after leaving You
that I wondered
—but not for years—
if You are still there, any more;
my First Love.                                                             14
                                         A Devout Wanderer
                                         In the Wilderness

                                       V. Found Again (12.07.07)

In the Emptiness I found You—
where Nothing Else was.
Beyond the Glistening ideals;
having thrown off the dross
of religions and superstitions.
Naked but not yet barren
I came to You in the Night of Splendor,
seeking only a Touch_
                                    from Nothing.                          15

I find myself followed in You
Hallowed by You_
allowed to venture beyond constraints_
yet captured by You.
I find myself in being Found by You.                          16

Found again_
wandering where I knew not;
Beyond the limits of thought and belief
I found myself found by You_
as if coming around a corner
and falling into an abyss
of self-emptying Love.
O_... _There U R.                                                       17

                                                     Sincerely Startled,
                                                     A Wanderer in the

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