Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Snow in the Eaves (12 November 2019)

Waking to the sound of a blowing squall,
I roused myself with winter glee_
first snowfall having come full-flown,
I rose to the window expecting to see_                             1

Faery-flakes dancing in the snowfall,
blown from the sidhe by wintry dreams!

“A frolick of white in the gray-bluish air
wisps snow up into our eaves!”

Dawn coming, snow falling fast_
I dressed and then descended
to light a fire in the hearth
with a brand that I had saved
                  since April’s last frost!                                      2

Faery-flakes dancing in the snowfall
caught my eye as if weirding dreams!

Sitting in the warmth of firelit dreams,
I saw – through a frosted window –
the snow in the eaves
of a neighboring house;
dancing merrily, enchanting me_
calling me out into wind and chill!                                      3

Faery-Flakes dancing in the snowfall
dazzled my eye with wintry dreams!

Swaying in solemn breezes they dance_
young Maples swish and veer,
waving their arms;
praising Notting with ever-upturned limbs,
supple and still radiant in winter’s fray!                              4

                 Bridge: Hearth-fire illumines humane dwelling
   with ambient light and reddening heat—
consciousness expanding into the cosmos,
   seeking communions in Vast Sanctuaries!

Calling to the raccoon
that lives in the hedgerow,
I hear its revel and declamation
that snow drifts high before its den!
Hidden from the world;
      Deep in hibernation’s contemplation_
In snowfall’s swirls it conjures intimations
of a dream of more rustic revelations!                               5

Faery-Flakes dancing in the snowfall
Open my eyes to weirding dreams!

Three cardinals flew
onto bare-boned boughs of the Forsythia
nearby; at our neighbor’s porch!
Now in their prudent twig-stepping,
I discern the Wayes I might now go,
_all a-birding for truth.                                                    6

Faery-Flakes dancing in the snowfall,
Cleanse my eyes with wintered dreams!

Snowflakes amaze and dazzle me with light
as the Sun comes out over a far-off ridge!
Here I am_
alone in earthen communions,
ready for visions that render me
un-at-home; a Stranger in the Wood.                             7

“Let’s boot up and go out walking_
      Our eaves are filling with snow!”

_And as the snowfall tapers
into meditative lulls, I hear_
upon the eaves of my mind’s ek-stasis
the bells of a Winter Solstice reveling—
calling me home to the fires of Heart & Hearth!                    8

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