Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reindeer Run (17 November 2019)

Hearing anew the call of Mystery,
I take up the antler rack and hooves
that I’d long-ago put aside
when visioning over-ran me in doubt
and fled;
leaving me abandoned at the Stag Door!                               1

I get up, I run, I leap, leather-hided;
and go galloping with the herd!

Transfixed in Mystery’s sway,
full of earthen energy I speed;
two-legged and glistening,
bounding along the instinctual path,
sweaty with supernal intent.                                                   2

I get up, I run, I leap, leather-hided;
and go galloping with the herd!

Cloaked in Poetic Power,
I go as a biped among arctic Reindeer,
Three-Tined across a snowy mountain,
down into the ice-laced vale,
following paths drummed into the ground
by generations beyond counting.                                            3

I get up, I run, I leap, leather-hided;
and go galloping with the herd!

Swerving with the herd,
descending into a cavernous glade
I hear my own archaic song
sung by the wind in the trees,
   the hooves upon the ground,
      and the silent light of the moon
casting shadows wherever we run!                                         4

I get up, I run, I leap, leather-hided;
and go galloping with the herd!

Transfixed in the Night,
Life’s fecund powers surge within me
as the herd turns yet again—
and I am left – with a feeling of naughting,
stranded near a tall, ageless tree,
awaiting what only Mystery can tell!                         5

Panting, kneeling, swooning, Moon-Loony;
stayed in the velvety darkness.
There in the deep, liminal glade,
the arche of mysticism shines-forth;
strong as the musk of the Stag
and yet smooth as Moonlight!                                      6

Ever-riveting human consciousness,
it is given
in communion-like draughts
as the Darkness transfigures our Way.                                   7

I get up, I run, I leap, leather-hided;
and go galloping with the herd!

So mote it be!

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